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The judging process for the New York Awards is as follows: the judging panel reviews the recommendations put forth by each community for companies, organizations, and individuals, assessing their contributions to the community. Based on these assessments, the judges select the entities that have provided the most assistance to the community to receive the New York Awards. The awards ceremony takes place at the end of the year.

The judging criteria and content for NYA are as follows:

Impact on the Community: The extent to which the company, organization, or individual has positively influenced and contributed to the community.
Innovation and Creativity: The degree of originality, innovation, and creativity demonstrated in their initiatives, products, or services.
Social Responsibility: The level of commitment and actions taken towards social responsibility, including ethical practices, sustainability efforts, and community engagement.
Leadership and Influence: The leadership role played in driving change, influencing others positively, and serving as a role model within the community.
Results and Achievements: Tangible results, achievements, and outcomes that have been realized as a result of their efforts and initiatives.
Collaboration and Partnerships: The extent to which collaborations, partnerships, and alliances have been leveraged to achieve meaningful impact and results.
These criteria collectively assess the overall contribution and value of the entities being considered for the NYA


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